About the Project

The Rural Entrepreneurship Financing Project (REFP) is a six-year initiative with a total budget of USD 72.5 million, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with USD 62.1 million, the Government of Mozambique with USD 4.3 million, the Private Sector with USD 5 million, and Beneficiaries with USD 1.2 million. The lead implementing agency is the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the National Directorate of Local Economic Development, which has established a National Unit and three Regional Units located in the cities of Xai-Xai, Manica, and Nampula, to address the Southern, Central, and Northern regions.

The goal of the REFP project is to contribute to improving the living conditions of rural households. The project’s development objective is to increase the accessibility and utilization of adapted (appropriate, accessible, and innovative), inclusive, and sustainable financial services, as well as technical support services in rural areas. The development objective of the project will be achieved through the implementation of the following technical components: a) Component 1: improvement of access and use of rural financial services, and b) Component 2: empowerment and support for essential local institutions and rural enterprises. In this process, the project aims to enhance the living conditions of 259,000 direct beneficiaries.

Meet the project team

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