Closing Seminar of the Graduation Program in the Northern Region: Positive Results and Future Outlook

The Rural Enterprises Financing Project (REFP) hosted the Closing Seminar for the first phase of the Graduation Program in the Northern Region on July 31st. Implemented over 24 months by the OIKOS & SEPPA Consortium, this initiative falls under Component 1: Improvement of access and use of formal financial services, subcomponent 1.1. of the Project.

The event, attended by distinguished members of the District, Provincial, and National governments, was presided over by the representative of the Director of the National Directorate of Local Economic Development (DNDEL). Its main objective was to share the results achieved by the program in the Northern Region, benefiting a total of 4,337 people (2,265 women and 1,935 young individuals). These beneficiaries are distributed across the provinces of Cabo Delgado (Chiúre, Namuno, Ancuabe, Mecufi), Nampula (Eráti, Memba, Moma, Rapale, Mogovolas, and Murrupula), and Niassa (Mecanhelas, Ngauma, Mandimba, Chimbunila, and Muembe).

As a direct result of the interventions in the northern region, 3,475 people (1,820 women and 1,582 young individuals) improved access to rural financial services, mainly through savings groups. Additionally, 3,887 beneficiaries were trained in small business management, while seven individuals were connected to formal financial services through financing provided by Intermicro Crédito/OFEC, a private entity operating in the provinces of Niassa and Cabo Delgado.

During the meeting, various operational aspects of project implementation were discussed, and several recommendations were raised to enhance the execution process. The second part of the meeting focused on the discussion of the project’s financing lines, currently managed by GAPI as the active financial institution. It is noteworthy that, in addition to the graduation program beneficiaries, these financing lines may benefit other rural entrepreneurs.

The success achieved in this first phase of the program demonstrates the positive and transformative impact of the actions taken in the Northern Region, reinforcing the commitment of the REFP and the OIKOS & SEPPA Consortium to sustainable development and the improvement of living conditions for local communities. The path to future promising achievements is paved, and the continuity of the program is certain to bring significant benefits to an even larger number of people in the region.

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